from Qilin to Contemporary Sculpture
the Art of Bamboo
The exhibition “The Art of BAMBOO: FROM QILIN TO CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE : How the mastery of an ancient craft takes the stage and evolves into 3D painting’ aims to showcase an essential part of Chinese culture and intangible heritage. Such crafts are recognised and valued, and yet, it seems few masters have found successors.
A contemporary self-taught artist, Louis To wun has taken the ancient craft of bamboo sculpting for festive ceremonies’ processions to a newstage. This exhibition takes the audience through his journey and aims to inspire young people to learn more about and rejuvenate such crafts.
The exhibition unveils his journey and process and begins with showcasing his Qilin, including their ‘skeleton’ or internal bamboo structure. A giant Qilin floating in the show allows the visitor to walk under its body and discover the internal structure. It is partially covered and decorated so as to reveal the different stages of its making.
Blending further the ancient Chinese craft of bamboo sculpting with Western modern art, he integrated in his three dimensional bamboo sculpture the ground-breaking two dimensional painting techniques of Cubism, showing multiple angles and perspectives into one. Louis’s cutting edge contemporary bamboo sculpture are utterly unique and original and rather astonishing to experience.
Curated by LAURE RAIBAUT, Nissa Bella Art Management
Presented by Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation at Galaxy Art Macao

Documentary 《 ROOTS 》
Directed, photographed and edited by Oliver Clasper, produced by Beanie Fly ( Gill Wong ), Louis’ spouse, an artist and film professional herself. This film illustrates the poetry that infuses Louis’ world, from the meticulous steps involved in his sculptures to the car-free island where Louis resides and creates his art. Oliver worked on several audio-visual artistic projects and on the award-winning documentary The Act of Killing.
由 Oliver Clasper 執導,豆飛 ( 黃知敏 ) 監製,展現了杜煥在長洲生活期間的創作日常,和他對每個工序一絲不苟的匠人精神。透過紀錄片走進藝術家杜煥的創作世界,一睹匠心佳作背後的故事,了解他如何將傳統技藝融入當代藝術,為竹紥工藝的發展開拓新的方向。Oliver Clasper 曾參與製作多個影視藝術項目,包括獲獎紀錄片 The Act of Killing ;豆飛 ( 黃知敏 ) 是杜煥的太太,本身亦是一名藝術家及電影工作者。

The Making of the Giant Qilin
Video photographer Wallace Ko created the time-lapse in the artist studio, through the months leading to the exhibition, day and night, recording and capturing the making of the giant Qilin, from inception to completion.
飛天麒麟 縮時攝影
GEG Foundation
Macau Daily Times
Macao Government Tourism Office
Exmoo News 力報