Language Barrier
Bamboo, paper ( sand paper if literally translated sha-zhi ), acrylic paint, glue 180x45x130cm This work is a moving sculpture with a motor and a motion sensor. The fact that the 36 mouths are behind the grid shows the inability to speak. They can move but not make sound. Thus, illustrating the experience of people suffering from the absence of the sense of hearing but also illustrating the ability to rely on the visual sense to read lips instead.
180x45x130 厘米
這件作品是一個帶有摩打和動作感應器的活動裝置。36張「嘴」藏在竹製網格背後,它們能夠活動卻無法發出聲音,以比喻失聰人士身 心上的無法言喻,同時表達出他們依賴視覺上的讀唇能力來「聽取」 聲音。
Bamboo in Theatre 《 Sounding Bodies 》
Louis To Wun has created theatre props made of bamboo for a drama designed for differently abled audiences. He was commissioned by an Indian-American theatre director, who is herself hearing impaired. Originally, Louis made the first piece as a double horn representing a speaker. It could also be divided in three parts, each designed as an individual costume. This work has been collected by the theatre director and is now in New York.
Director: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren.
Folded Paper Dance and Theatre Limited
《聲軀》 劇場道具
杜煥曾受一位患聽力障礙的美國戲劇導演委託,為當代劇場創作專為殘障, 聽障觀眾欣賞的竹紥佈景裝置和竹紥戲劇道具。杜煥以雙喇叭的造型製作了一件象徵揚聲器的道具,而此道具可分成三個部分,每部分都是一件獨立可讓舞者穿戴的竹紥戲服。此作品現時被該戲劇導演收藏於紐約。
導演: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren.
劇團: Folded Paper Dance and Theatre Limited

Hollywood movie 《 Dr Strange 》
The mini Qilin was originally created by Louis To Wun for his 3 year old son, who rode on his father’s shoulders dancing with the mini Qilin together with the big Qilin at the Bun Festival. It becomes the prototype for the four mini Qilins commissioned in 2016 for the Hong Kong Premiere of the Hollywood production Dr Strange. The two main cast actors, Tilda Swindon and Benedict Cumberbatch, Director Scott Derrickson, and Producer Kevin Feige performed a Qilin eye-opening ceremony on stage.
在2016年受邀為荷里活電影《奇異博士》的香港首影禮所製作四頭傳統迷你麒麟。 《奇異博士》電影男女主角,班尼迪甘巴貝治及泰達史雲頓,以及導演導演 Scott Derrickson、 製片人 Kevin Feige 於台上親自為麒麟進行點睛儀式。這迷你麒麟的原型是杜煥為其三歲的兒子所創作,在長洲太平清醮中,他兒子曾舉著迷你麒麟騎在杜煥的肩膀上, 與大型麒麟一起舞動。

《 Hong Kong Trilogy 》Christopher Doyle
Louis also instilled a new life into bamboo art by bringing it into cinema. In 2015 he played a character in Christopher Doyle’s film Hong Kong Trilogy, dancing with his Qilin.